Friday, March 18, 2011

How to Draw a Unicorn

Well, I was GOING to make this post about how to  make a Mii look like a whale, but since my sister is using our TV/projector/whatever to watch Despicable Me AGAIN, I'll just use this to be a tribute to my side in the epic battle (Zombies vs. Unicorns, for those who don't get on the internet much).  Which is unicorns.  And keep in mind that this will not be a fluffy-pastel-look-I-fart-rainbows unicorn.  This. Is. A. KILLER UNICOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORN!!!!!!!!!!!  



Shall we start, oh-so-sweet-and-innocent-children?

Make four layers, three if you have a dodge and burn tool.





Time to either (1: select burn or (2: turn the color to black and lower the opacity to 40%.  Also, turn the background gray just for this layer.


*Starts clicking on eyes*

Now THAT is a zombie hunter.  Now please excuse me while I hire that unicorn to fight with us…

Friday, February 25, 2011

How to Draw: Running Cat

Hello.  Today you will be learning how to draw a cat that is running.  Sorry I didn't post this earlier, but I got braces today (my mouth still hurts) and then my Sim on my phone died from choking on a pretzel.  True story.  I got out of work (in the game, of course) and there was a big sign that said "In Memory" (or something like that) and then said that my Sim had choked on a pretzel during a meeting and then there was a picture of a grave.


 I will be providing instructions for computer art only.  If you can only use paper, than you can just follow the drawings.  For the wireframe, draw lightly in pencil and then draw the outline in pen.

Step One

Make five layers,  six if your app doesn't build in the background.

Draw the wireframe of the cat in light blue on the fifth layer.  Make it look something like this:

Step Two

On the sixth layer, draw the outline over the wireframe.

Then delete the fourth layer.

Step Three

Click on the second to last layer and fill in the cat with the base color.

Step Four

Click on the layer above the previous one and fill in the details.

Step Five

Click on the last layer that is not used besides the one reserved for the background on the bottom.  Lower the brush opacity to 40% and choose a point at which the light is coming from.  Corners are best; it makes the shading so much easier.  Shade main points where the light would not be.  In this picture, the light is coming from the upper left hand corner.

Step Six

This is the last step.  Click the eye on all the layers except the last one.  This turns them temporarily invisible.  Click on the last layer and then color the  sky, then clouds (use a fuzzy-edged brush)  and the sun.  Then do the mountains with a light purple, gray or blue.  Then do the grass.  If you don't have a brush for this, then just draw long, flowy lines.  Use a few different (natural!!) colors.

Now de-invisiblize all the other layers by clicking on them again.  Go back to the outline and color grass over the paws a bit so the cat doesn't look like a sticker in a painting.


Congratulations! You most likely successfully drew a cat!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I am the Sprinkle Master, master of sprinkles, brownies, cookies and soon cake making, hopefully.  *evil grin*  Anyway, I am a geek (I like Doctor Who, Machinarium, Portal, and am starting to watch Star Trek and Invader Zim), and this is my blog for posting art.  On Fridays,  I will post a how to draw for those who either are really bad at drawing or just want to learn how to draw better.  Or if you just have time to waste.  On some days I might not post because of homework or whatever.  Especially Mondays because I have violin from 6:30 - 7:45.  Also, I have to move from house to house, so some days I may be using SeaShore, and others, Photoshop.

To celebrate the first post of this epic blog of epicness (and snowflakes), we'll celebrate with……………


*Runs to cupcakes*
*Sees wolf*
*Runs other way out of sight followed by angry wolf that was interrupted from eating cupcakes by a random supervillainess*